Summer may be gone, but we just can't retire the BBQ grill just yet.
Pre-order food at then pick up and carry out between 11 and 3 on 10/24 (or eat on our patio — look over there >>>).
Level 5 Donuts from Madison will be joining us as well and if you haven't tried Level 5, they’re the best vegan donuts in the Midwest. These treats are yeast raised & cake circles acting like donuts here.
Meanwhile, on the patio… Join Synthia and Melissa for the latest virtual and land edition of Sailing Away!
It’s going to be an afternoon of the best smooth jams and classic yacht rock music videos broadcast live from the patio of X-Ray Arcade via Twitch. So grab your favorite umbrella drink, relax, and tune in to for this live streaming event!
Whether you’re picking up, dining on the patio, or just grabbing a drink — MASK UP AND PARTY ON!
(Mask required anytime you’re not gorging or gulping.)